Spacesaver's Evidence Lockers are constructed with the concerns and challenges of law enforcement professionals in mind. Physical evidence is key in determining how a crime was committed, who was involved in the crime, and most importantly, who wasn’t. By maintaining an undisputed chain of evidence custody from crime scene collection to entry into the court’s record, the letter of the law is clearly visible to all participants in determining the innocence or guilt of each defendant.
Evidence can arrive for processing any time of day or night — and until it’s received by a property room technician, needs a temporary storage solution that can guarantee its security and integrity. Designed to provide a secure chain of custody for short-term evidence storage, Spacesaver’s evidence lockers have a reputation that precincts can rely on.
Heavy-duty 14-gauge & 18-gauge welded construction
Fully enclosed compartments to prevent cross-contamination
Multi-point latch mechanism that resides in the door and frame